When budgies are active, they use their time well. They spend most of their time drinking from waterholes, scanning the area for grass seeds and scurrying from tree to tree to find a good place to rest. When there aren't a lot of grass seeds, budgies try to find some nuts, insects and fruit or bark from Eucalyptus trees.

Natural enemies of wild budgies include snakes, the Butcher Bird, hawks and falcons. The most dangerous enemy of the budgies, however, is often nature itself. Droughts can kill thousands of them. 1932 is known as a black year for budgies and other small birds, when conditions were far more savage than usual. This year is also referred to as the Bird Holocaust. Entire flocks lost their lives in an attempt to find food and water. When they finally found some water, thousands budgies would swoop down for a drink and be drowned as a result of many birds landing on top of eachother. There were horrible reports of millions of budgies dying that year.
After the big disaster, the budgies did their best to repopulate the lost numbers. There are still a lot of wild budgies in Australia. However, industrialization has taken away much of their natural habitat. Wild budgies are not an endangered species yet, but if people keep on destroying the places where they live, they may soon be.
Information and pictures (c) sunnyhollowaviaries.com; birds-online.de; caravanersforum.com; http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/mmXZvgMYFdZ2M5Y_Ih3z1A
They must be hardy little birds to survive something like that. Go budgies!