Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Twinzy, the "One of a Kind" Budgerigar

Hello all,

Last week, I was browsing through some budgie pictures, when I suddenly found something amazing. The budgerigar you see below is a striking example (and as far as I know, the only one) of the extremely rare "half sider" mutation.

Photo © Rudy's Pet Supply

As you can see, Twinzy has the characteristics of a blue budgie on one side, and a green budgie on the other. Even his tail feathers are split into two colors! Twinzy currently lives in Rudy's Pet Supply in Oklahoma City.

Photo © Rudy's Pet Supply

There's also a video, in which you can see Twinzy in full action. The narrator reveals a bit more about the origin of the mutation as well. Look at the mirror, it's amazing how you can see both sides of Twinzy at the same time!


  1. That's amazing! I hope he doesn't become a supervillain now o_O

  2. Wow, I've been in that store, a long time ago, guess he was not there, then. What a fantastic looking bird.

  3. I've never seen chimerism in budgies before, amazing!

  4. Not one of a kind anymore...
    Check this out:


  5. hes so buteful i have one that ALMOST looks like that.

  6. This happens with reptiles it started off as two separate bird it's pretty rare and you couldn't notice if the colors were the same but since one budgie was going to be green and one blue it is easily noticable. VERY COOL!
